Cocoa Village Publishing


Recurring/Subscription $250.00 per month.

To setup recurring payments for a subsription of $250.00 per month you may choose PayPal or Credit Card payments on this page or you may call us over the phone and we can enter the information with our processor. This web page offers links for a paypal subscription button OR a redirect to complete the payment through our credit card processor, quantum gateway.

Please enter comments or details when processing so that after we receive notice from the processing service we can associate the recurring payments with you and your service.  If you don't already have an service with us nor bill/invoice, contact us before using. Why am I leaving this site to setup recurring? The invoice payment software on site uses a drupal commerce cart with order already preloaded to process that single transaction, but not yet automated recurring.

Paypal Button for Monthly Recurring

This recurring payment link to PayPal is to allow existing customers with annual commitment to setup montly recurring payments over the year


This form is to setup monthly recurring with your checking account (EFT) or mastercard/visa/discover card (CC) through our credit card processor. Enter comment to associate your payment with your service. If prefer to do by phone or questions - call/text (321)252-8133.

We may accept other forms of payment like Google: cocoavillage, Dwolla: dwolla Chase: chase, call 

A reminder, we recommend that you have arrangements with us prior to using the processing links on this page. These links are here for convenience and are outside the typical shopping/invoice system. We may have sent this reference page for recurring payments in an email for an existing situation.