Cocoa Village Publishing


Mail List Service

 We provide mail list services using the mail list program Mail Man,, python scripting  and mail server; Sendmail. The mail list services allow the customer to maintain a mail list that individuals with electronic mail may subscribe, unsubscribe to.  The Customer may elect to make the service open, restricted or moderated to postings by individuals.  Digest services may be setup.  A website interface is available to the customer to facilitate subscribing and un-subscribing to the mail list. We recommend that you consider the need to have two mail lists with one for only sending notices and another list that can receive notices and allow subscribers to reply.  You may also select to moderate the lists.



Service includes two Mailman lists. Unless you prefer otherwise by default we setup one list for sending notices (fully moderated) and the second list to allow discussion and allow subscribers to reply.  The Customer is provides a web site interface for maintenance like approval of postings, subscribing and un-subscribing to the mail lists. A  labor charge per professional hour will be requested if customer requires assistance beyond the terms of the service, and a subscription of:

  • $480.00 per year
  • The customer may elect to defer the annual payment and make semiannual payments at a rate that would be 10% more than annual, quarterly at 15% more than annual, or monthly at 20%  more than annual.  The customer shall be responsible for returning payments in timely manner. The company shall not be responsible to remind customer to make payment: $264.00 for six months, $138.00  for three months, or $48.00 per month.
  • Up to 80 million bytes of daily data transfer (for example if a nominal email is about 10 Kbytes, that would be about 8,000 nominal emails a day). If you need more we can make negotiate additional fees and make hosting changes to assure nominal performance, however our experience is that you will prefer to use a dedicated server which we can provide.