Cocoa Village Publishing


Contact Us

You can call us at 1-321-252-8133, (not 633-4490) or complete and submit the form on this page. If using the form fill out as much as you can and be sure to put a correct email address because it is the from and you get a copy. You may also call and ask for an email address, however many of our email addresses have been in existence since 1994 and we have to filter hordes and hordes of spam, therefore we prefer you call or send correspondence with the form on this page.

Terse message used as the subject line to the readers
Please type the message to contact us with. We have received submissions without adequate information: Messages without enough information to act or reply upon, no phone, bad or no email. If you have submitted a message without response — it is possible that your message had insufficient information.
Please use a correct email address.  This email is used as the 'from' for the correspondence, and sms messaging systems may reject fake addresses as spam.
This question is for testing to block malicious automated submissions.