Cocoa Village Publishing


APPROVED payment through Quantum Gateway processing

The merchant processor, Quantum Gateway, may have returned you to this web page after an "APPROVED" during a request to process your card or e-check.

If this action is not what you intended, please let us know. We can use our vendor terminal with the processor to check status or make corrections if required.

If you arrived at this page and it was not expected as part of a transaction with us and you have concerns, please do contact us.

Information Posted from Quantum Gateway\n"); print("

TransactionID: ".$PtransID."

\n"); print("

AuthCode: ".$PauthCode."

\n"); print("

Transaction Result: ".$Ptrans_result."

\n"); print("

AVS Result: ".$Pavs_result."

\n"); print("


\n"); ?>